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Membro per: 7 anni
Tipo: Utenti Approvati
Nome Completo: Laura Alunni
Location: Italy
Sito Web:
About: Laura Alunni was born in Perugia (Italy) where she lives and practices her artistic activity.
Educated within the framework of private and public art schools, including the International School of Graphic Design in Venice, Laura Alunni stands out for her work close to abstract expressionism styles.
Active in painting as in sculpture, she has made exhibitions since 1991, including solo and group expositions.
She experiments on the canvas with a mixture of different techniques which alternate, and sometimes superimpose the oil colour with the enamels, like the acrylic tempera with pastels and inks. This expressive vitality transforms painting into an exercise in constant chromatic experimentation, transferring equally to the sculpture where she assembles different materials including ceramic, aluminium, plexiglass and plastic.
This rotation creates an abstract language where painting and sculpture live in perfect balance, constantly alternating in a perpetual expressive dance. The colour and the forms take on the connotations of organic elements, almost as if they were connective tissues, allowing the spectator to travel the road of an empathic connection between the deepest sphere of the self and the external dynamics of matter.
Some of her works have been acquired by public and private foundations.
She is present in the Mondadori Catalog "Italian artists from the early twentieth century to today" nr.53, 54, 55.
She is a professional artist, member of AIAPI (International Association of Plastic Arts Italy - Italian National Committee of IAA AIAP UNESCO).
She has collaborated in "The painters project" by international photographer Eric Ceccarini.

Ultime azioni di Laura Alunni 1

Score: 5,500 punti (ranked #17)
Titolo: Art Expert
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